PAT Testing Manchester

Our highly trained PAT testers serve Manchester and the North West area and will complete your PAT test quickly and efficiently, in or out of working hours to cause minimal disruption. Most businesses need a regular PAT test to ensure their insurance company will pay out in the event of an electrical fire. We don’t expect everyone to be a PAT expert, so our PAT test team is highly trained to advise you on your business requirements and tell you whether items need a full PAT test, or just a visual inspection.

Free Survey?

If your premises are large or complex, we can arrange a free survey before sending you a quote. Our rates are competitive and can usually arrange a visit within the same week.

Our Manchester based team will only carry out PAT tests and visual inspections on the items that need them, using the latest equipment, carrying out tests, efficiently whilst labelling items clearly.

This means we not only complete your PAT test quickly, we also keep your costs down. We will leave you a safety report upon completion to!

Get a PAT Test quote today. Call 07453 268 697.

We PAT test across Lancaster Morecambe, Manchester, Liverpool, south lakes and surrounding areas.

– Costs are the same out of hours as in working hours
– Our PAT testers will advise your specific business needs
– We’ll carry out a FREE survey before quoting if needed
– Total service available – PAT tests and visual inspections
– No unnecessary PAT tests performed – we keep your costs down
– All tested items clearly labelled
– We leave the full PAT test report with you as soon as we’ve finished testing

There’s often confusion around which electrical items need to be PAT tested and how often. The answer is – it depends!

There are 3 main factors which are taken into consideration:

– the risk level of the working environment
– the electrical class of the appliance
– the category of the appliance

It can be complex trying to work out exactly what needs to be done, which is why our team offers a complete advisory service, giving you confidence that you are up to date and within the law.

To book your PAT test or to arrange a free survey, please get in touch with our local, friendly team in Manchester on 07453 268 697.

Quick Contact

If you need to get in touch with us, then please give us a call on 07453 268 697 or enter your details below.


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